¡Hola Tod@s!

I’ve been struggling a lot to get myself to sit down and write one more blog entry, mostly because I don’t know what to say. I’ve got five days left and am resultantly a huge mix of indescribable emotions. Mostly I am having trouble convincing myself that in less than a week’s time, I will be back at home in the States. It seems like such a world away; how could it actually be happening?? But, right now I’m sitting on the deck of a chocolate café looking over a beautiful brightening sky after the most intense and terrifying rain/thunder storm I have ever experienced, so I’ll give it a whirl (and hope I don’t get too distracted by these incredible chocolate smells…).

Let me start of by reiterating: I LOVE THIS PLACE. I really can’t describe to you what exactly it is- probably because it’s a combination of everything- but I feel like this is such a magical town (and country, in general). Even the simplicity of having the skies OPEN UP and pour themselves all over and then transition into a collage of pink, yellow, and blue interspersed with fluffy clouds, with everything left feeling crisp and new is enough to make my heart jump a little. And this is a feeling that happens all the time- when I’m walking alone and just thinking, this place makes my breath get caught up in my throat and pushes a smile onto my face, no matter what has happened earlier in the day. Add on top of that an incredible experience at the CEC, phenomenal students, and a family made up of some of the most gracious and welcoming people I know and we have so many of the reasons my heart is being pulled a part a little (read: crushed) at the thought of having to leave all of this behind.

This week I’ve been overwhelmed with those end-of-a-time thoughts of the New Years Eve variety- this is my last Sunday sitting around and doing nothing but eating with my family, this is my last hike in the reserve, this is my last day waking up to go to school, you get the idea. They are making me feel like I’m awaiting some impending doom, which obviously isn’t the case. It’s going to be so tough to leave here that I can’t really even think logically about that plane trip, but I am excited to get back with my other family and friends (though my ideal would be to have all of you just come here and share in this beautiful place with me!). In addition to reunions, I’m looking forward to so much that is coming up- thesis research and gardening and hiking and senior (!) year at Swarthmore. I also know that, somehow, Monteverde/Costa Rica will be part of my future. My host family is already making me promise to come back, and I can seriously see the CEC being part of my life in some time to come. So, rather than looking at all of these things as my last times EVER, it’s just the last time for now. That Sunday flight won’t be a despedida, just a hasta luego. I’m telling myself that’s going to help me feel better about leaving, but we’ll see what actually happens…

But now I’m going to get back to living and loving it here, while I’ve still got it. I’m going to cram as much goodness into the next five days as possible, including: last day of school celebrations tomorrow, my sister’s sixth grade graduation on Thursday, camping at school with my host family on Friday night, and so many more unplanned moments that make me love this place and these people here more and more every day.

I’ll leave you with an image that I feel so well embodies the life in this place and especially at the CEC. Yesterday, Beverly and I took the class on a hike in the woods to the Monkey Palace, which used to be the CEC’s outdoor classroom. I wish I had taken my camera to record these kids climbing trees, monkey-walking and hanging from ropes that used to hold up a tarp roof, crawling up a 60º muddy incline and afterwards sliding and/or running down, painting their faces with mud, and having a contest as to who could get the muddiest (or chocolatiest, as they referred to it. Imagine a seven-year-old saying, “Do you like the chocolate?” and turning around to show her entire back side CAKED in mud). The unobstructed happiness and enjoyment of these kids- it’s something I’ll never forget.

I will see you all within the upcoming days/weeks/months!

Lots of love <3

Just kidding, p.s.

I think one of the reasons I’m most afraid to go home is that it’s going to require me to come up with stories and thoughts that somehow embody my time here- which is going to be impossible. Even though all these blog posts, pictures, and stories to come, there is no way I can properly represent the magic that is this place and experience. This is one of the many reasons that I am SO BEYOND GRATEFUL that my brother and sister were able to visit!! It was such a blast to have them here and show them what my life as been like for the past five months- to introduce them to my host family, take them on my favorite hikes, eat all sorts of Costa Rican goodies, and just generally show them all the reasons this place is so special. I was expecting the whole experience to be a little weird, bringing them around here after so many months apart, but the second they stepped out of the airport it was like we had never been apart. THANK YOU for making that happen Jen and Brian <3